
Hello there! It’s the end of December and It’s just about time to watch some Christmas movies! Most of the Christmas movies are family comedies, which I usually don’t watch, but Christmas horror, that’s the best Christmas movie you can get!

First of all I would like to make this clear: In the Europe in some countries Krampusses are part of Christmas tradition. The only difference  is that they don’t come at the Christmas time but in the beginning of December, when there is another merry man, delivering gifts. He’s called St. Nicholas and he has his helpers Krampusses. While younger children are afraid of Krampusses the older ones enjoy them more than gifts that they get. It’s a tradition that St. Nicholas on the 4th December visits all the children in the village and he has his krampusses with him, in case if some kids are naughty. But the tradition is that older children tease krampusses so they’re chased by them all over the village.


Some people say that Krampus isn’t very good movie, that we can’t even call it a horror movie. It’s true that there are some funny scenes and that you can laugh a lot but you can’t deny that there are some pretty intense scenes as well. Especially in the cinema with all these sound effects. Like when Krampus is walking around with his hooves and the all cinema shakes. Or the sudden scenes that make you jump on your seat. Some say that the mask is awful. It’s true that you can see it’s fake but so what? we didn’t come to the cinema to judge the outfits!
What I’m saying is that I enjoyed this movie and I don’t think that I’m the only one. And people should spend less time criticizing the movie and spend some more time enjoying good story.


Now about the story itself – I think it’s brilliant! The old legend of Krampus and his little helpers, that runs through the generations. Krampus takes the families that don’t have Christmas spirit. There are some pros and cons about this story. The biggest disadvantage is that children might be afraid instead of anxious about Christmas. I do think that this movie might be good for children. Who doesn’t love good old bedtime story? The good thing is that this movie encourages people to believe in Christmas spirit. What is better that family gathered together on Christmas?


I have to say that I’m not overfond of winter, but this is one of my favorite horror movies ever. Thrilling and at the same time kind of funny story, that is also quite educational. I cannot wait to watch it again!

Okay thanks for reading (again) and please comment which movie review would you like to see next!
Marry Christmas and happy new year, my dear Mellons!